D-MÜs Santini Collection, MS 862
Introduction. PDF, 4 pages
Texts and Translations. PDF, 3 pages
Score. PDF, 13 pages
Permission from the Santini Collection of the Diözesanbibliothek, Münster to publish this edition is gratefully acknowledged.
Lasciato havea l'Adultero superbo... [Recit.] (mm. 1-43)
Barbaro, hai vinto [Aria]... (mm. 44-74)
Ma crudel dove n'andrai... [Aria] (mm. 75-104)
Voi, Genitor, Consorte... [Recit. - Aria] (mm. 105-147)
Dov'è quel ferro istesso... [Recit. - Arioso - Aria - Arioso] (mm. 148-190)
Sò ch'il mondo dirà che s'io volea farmi... [Recit. - Aria - Arioso] (mm.191-227)
Si, si, corri alla morte... [Recit.] (mm. 228-241)
This performance of Lucretia Romana was given in a lunchtime concert at Newcastle Conservatorium, NSW Australia, on 24 August 2006.
Tessa Miller - soprano
Rosalind Halton - harpsichord
Jamie Hey - cello
Tessa Miller (soprano) is a member of Adelaide Baroque (South Australia). Jamie Hey is principal cello of the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra. Rosalind Halton (harpsichord) has edited and directed many works by Alessandro Scarlatti, including the double CD 'Olimpia': cantatas of Alessandro Scarlatti (ABC Classics, 461 687-2). All three performers may be heard on a forthcoming recording of Scarlatti's 1696 Serenata, Venere, Adone e Amore, with Tessa Miller as Adone.
Web Library of Seventeenth-Century Music
ISSN 2330-2429
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