H-Bu; Pl-WRu
Introduction. PDF file, 112 KB, 5 pages
Critical Report. PDF file, 104 KB, 5 pages
From Salmi per tutte le solennità dell'anno, Opus 18 (Venice, 1652)
Laudate pueri (S or T, Bc). PDF file, 708 KB, 20 pages
Lauda Jerusalem (B, Vln 1 & 2, Bc). PDF file, 752 KB, 22 pages
Magnificat a 5 (ATB, Vln 1 & 2, Bc). PDF file, 948 KB, 34 pages
From Vesperi per tutte le festività dell'anno, Opus 20 (Venice, 1653)
Dixit Dominus (SATB, Bc). PDF file, 504 KB, 14 pages
De profundis (SATB, Bc). PDF file, 468 KB, 13 pages
Magnificat tertii toni (SATB, Bc). PDF file, 540 KB, 16 pages
*The Alto and Violino secondo parts of Op. 18 and the Basso and Organo (basso continuo) parts of Op. 20 are lost. The editorial reconstructions are provided here to give a sense of what the pieces may have been like in complete form. (T. D. Dunn)
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